Senior Care News

Common Lung Conditions in Seniors

Senior Care in Allentown PA: Millions of people in the United States suffer from some type of lung condition. There are a wide range of factors that could contribute to an elderly adult’s likelihood of developing a problem with their lungs, including infections, smoking, and a family history of the disease.

Senior Care in Allentown PA

Millions of people in the United States suffer from some type of lung condition. There are a wide range of factors that could contribute to an elderly adult’s likelihood of developing a problem with their lungs, including infections, smoking, and a family history of the disease. The lungs are a major component to the respiratory system, so it is important that they work properly in order to help your loved one breathe much easier.

Older adults with a lung condition may find it difficult to inhale and exhale, causing extreme disruptions to their daily life. If this is the case for your loved one, talk to them about hiring a senior care provider to assist with their everyday tasks. In order to better care for an elderly adult with breathing problems, it is important you know what lung conditions they could be at risk for.

Common Lung Conditions

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Older adults who are unable to exhale normally could have COPD. This condition causes the elder to have problems breathing.
  • Cystic fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is typically found in families and makes it difficult for elders to clear mucus from the bronchi. Over time this could lead to infections in the lungs.
  • Acute bronchitis: A rapid infection in the airways causes acute bronchitis, which may be caused by a virus.
  • Chronic bronchitis: This is a type of COPD that is known for its chronic productive cough.
  • Emphysema: Emphysema is most commonly found in older adults who were smokers for many years. This condition is caused when damage to the lungs makes it difficult for air to make its way through the lungs. It is a form of COPD that makes it difficult for older adults to blow air out.
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia can be very dangerous to the health of older adults, especially since they have compromised immune systems. It is an infection in the alveoli, which is usually caused by bacteria.
  • Lung cancer: Another common lung condition among older adults is lung cancer. This form of cancer is usually found in the main part of the lungs, which is near or in the air sacs. Depending on the severity, location, and type of lung cancer will determine the treatment options that are available to the elder.
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): ARDS is caused when there is a sudden injury to the lungs, which is the result of a serious illness.


These are just a few lung conditions that could affect the health of your loved one. For more information, contact the elder’s doctor.

If you are considering senior care in Allentown, PA, contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Allentown. Call today at (610) 200-6097.


Stephen Sternbach
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