Senior Care News

Sleeping Tips for the Elderly

Elder Care Nazareth PA-If the senior citizen you are taking care of is having sleeping issues, there are some sleeping tips that can help them out.

There are many elderly citizens that have some sort of sleeping disorder or other sleeping issues. If the senior citizen you are taking care of is having sleeping issues, there are some sleeping tips that can help them out. You can encourage them to follow through with these sleeping tips, so they can finally get better quality sleep.

Elder Care Nazareth PA – Sleeping Tips for the Elderly

Monitor Their Medications

There are certain medications that can cause someone to get lower quality sleep. Some medications keep senior citizens up at night. You should learn all you can about each and every one of the medications your loved one is taking. Make sure you know all the side effects that could be coming from each medication, as well. If you start monitoring their medications, you can see if those are leading to any of their sleep issues. If they seem to be, talk to their doctor about possible medication changes.

Taking Hot Baths

Another sleeping tip to help your loved one get better sleep is to have them take hot baths about 30 minutes to 1 hour before they go to sleep. The hot baths will keep your loved one’s body temperature stable, so they don’t get too cold when they are trying to fall asleep. It raises the temperature in the bath and cools them down when they get out. This is very comforting to many people. Hot baths can help your loved one to get deeper sleep, too.

White Noise

While white noise is generally associated with babies, it can be very beneficial to senior citizens who need to get better quality sleep, as well. White noise is a constant noise that can block out disturbing noises or random thoughts in one’s mind. If you find that your loved one is having difficulty falling or staying asleep because they are a light sleeper or they think too much at night, white noise may be able to help them.


Research does show that exercising helps people to get better sleep. The body does something similar when exercising to what a hot bath does. The body warms up during exercising and then cools down afterward. This can be comforting to your loved one. Not only that, but exercise helps to stretch the muscles and get knots out of the muscles, too. This relaxation can help to promote better quality sleep.

These are some of the sleeping tips for the elderly. If you are taking care of an elderly loved one, these are some of the tips that can help you to get them better quality sleep. If you can’t be with them all day or evening to assure they are following through with these tips, you may want to hire an elder care provider to assist them.


If you or a loved one are in need of Elder Care Services in Nazareth PA or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Extended Family Care of Allentown. Call today at (610) 200-6097.
Stephen Sternbach

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