Senior Care News

Four Activities to Keep Your Senior’s Brain Sharp

Senior Care Northampton PA-Your senior’s brain needs to stay active in order to hang onto her cognitive abilities. Try these ideas.

There are lots of great reasons to keep your senior’s brain going for a long time. For starters, it keeps her engaged in the world around her. This also helps your elderly family member to reduce the risk of dealing with cognitive decline later that robs her of her ability to think and to do the things she loves doing.

Senior Care Northampton PA – Four Activities to Keep Your Senior’s Brain Sharp

Alternate Activities She Already Loves

Make note of some of the activities your senior already enjoys. If she loves baking and cooking, incorporate both into her weekly routine as regularly as possible. If puzzles are her thing, find similar activities, like sliding puzzle games, and incorporate those, too. Building on the fun activities that your elderly family member already enjoys doing allows her to experience a little bit of new alongside the stuff that is familiar and comforting.

Add New Activities to the Equation

New activities challenge your senior’s brain and keep it working overtime. Trying new crafts is an excellent way to do this. Even though the idea is similar, your senior might be trying something that is completely new for her, which gives her brain something to really go to work on. There might be some activities that she’s always wanted to try but didn’t have the time to do before.

Learning New Things Is Important

If learning is more up your senior’s alley, then it’s worth taking the time to sign her up for classes or even private lessons. She can learn all sorts of things, like playing a new instrument, or any of a million other topics. Maybe there’s a class on herbalism at the local community college. Giving that a try can be a huge boost for your senior’s brain.

The Brain Needs New Stimuli

Ultimately, your senior’s brain needs new stimuli regularly. That might be tough for you to do on your own, but it’s something that other people can help with regularly. This is another reason that having an active social life can be hugely beneficial for your elderly family member. Every person that your elderly family member interacts with and engages with is another bit of stimuli for her brain and for her spirit.

Keeping your senior’s brain active and engaged can be a lot of fun for both of you. If you’ve got other obligations that take you away from her often, though, you can get help from senior care providers to manage your senior’s day effectively.

If you or a loved one are in need of Senior Care Services in Northampton PA or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Extended Family Care of Allentown. Call today at (610) 200-6097.
Stephen Sternbach

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