Senior Care News

The Benefits Of Home Health Care After a Stroke

Home Health Care Easton PA-Home health care providers can help seniors recover faster and recover more of their lost cognitive and physical abilities. The one-on-one nature of home health care services can help seniors who are recovering from a stroke at home.

Strokes are very common among seniors. There are usually around 800,000 strokes in the U.S. per year and almost 75% of those strokes happen to people who are 65 or older. Strokes can be extremely damaging and may require that a senior go through months of rehab and specialized care to recover. Home health care providers can help seniors recover faster and recover more of their lost cognitive and physical abilities. The one-on-one nature of home health care services can help seniors who are recovering from a stroke at home.

Some of the ways that home health care providers can help seniors after a stroke include:

Physical Therapy And Exercise

Home Health Care Easton PA – The Benefits Of Home Health Care After a Stroke

After a stroke, your senior parent may be given a set of exercises that they need to do regularly to recover their muscle strength, movement, or flexibility. Moving around and getting physical activity can also be important for stroke victims to keep more blood clots from forming. Home health care providers can make sure that your aging parent is doing the exercises that they need to do each day. They can also encourage your senior parent to walk and get some physical exercise regularly.

Cognitive Games And Tasks

Another important part of stroke care is using fun methods to help seniors recover and improve their cognitive skills. Playing games, doing crafts, and doing activities like reading books and watching TV can help seniors recover motor coordination, speech, and other cognitive skills. Trained care providers can take the time to sit with your senior loved one each day and work on their cognitive skills in a fun way that will help them stay motivated. If you can’t be with your senior loved one every day because you need to work or you are taking care of small children, home health care is a good way to make sure that senior parent is getting the help they need.

Eating Healthy Meals

Seniors need to eat healthy meals based on vegetables and lean proteins while also making sure that they are drinking enough water. Often seniors have trouble eating after a stroke. They may have lost the use of some of their muscles and may need help eating. Care providers can shop for healthy food, prepare meals and shakes, and make sure that your senior loved one eats enough healthy food each day. They can also help prepare grocery lists and meal prep so that when they aren’t there your senior loved one has plenty of easy to reheat healthy meals and snacks.

Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is critically important. Sleep is when the body heals itself. A caregiver who spends time with your senior loved one at night can make sure that your senior loved one is safe and comfortable throughout the night so that they can get the rest they need to recover. If your senior loved one needs to be on any medical equipment to help them breathe while they sleep or monitor their sleep a caregiver can also be there to manage that equipment.


If you or a loved one need Home Health Care Services in Easton PA or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Extended Family Care of Allentown. Call today at (610) 200-6097.

Stephen Sternbach

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