The sooner that your senior gets help for balance issues, the better for them overall. Having help from in-home care providers may be one way to start getting a full picture of which of these symptoms your senior is exhibiting of balance problems. In-hour home care providers can also help your senior to be safer when they’re at home.
Here are some symptoms for you and your senior’s in-home care aides to be aware of.
Dizziness or Vertigo
In-Home Care Macungie PA – Symptoms of Balance Issues You Might See in Your SeniorVertigo or dizziness can cause your elderly family member to avoid walking and avoid other necessary things, like drinking enough water. That can lead to much bigger problems down the line, including urinary tract infections and dehydration. If your elderly family member is describing feelings of dizziness or vertigo, talk with her doctor about potential causes.
Wobbling While Walking
Watch your senior when she walks. Is she wobbling or seeming as if she is having difficulty maintaining her balance? That’s something that should also be addressed because it can be related to a balance problem that could result in a fall. Addressing those concerns now can help your senior to avoid big problems down the line.
Feeling Faint or Lightheaded
Feeling lightheaded or faint can also cause your elderly family member to fall and it’s a sign of possible issues with her balance. The underlying issue might be something else entirely, but it’s highly likely to interfere with your senior’s ability to safely walk. Again, it’s important to talk with her doctor about what could be causing the issues.
Blurry Vision
Your senior’s brain relies on information from her eyes in order to know where her body is. If your senior has vision issues, including blurry vision, that can impact how well she is able to maintain her balance. Getting regular eye exams can help your elderly family member to stay on top of potential vision problems that could cause issues down the line.
Panic Attacks or Anxiety
It’s understandable that balance issues can cause your elderly family member to feel unnerved and upset. That anxiety can lead to even bigger concerns, like panic attacks about moving around and losing her balance. This can all lead to a vicious cycle in which your senior becomes so afraid of walking that she becomes weaker and her balance issues become far worse.
Feeling Confused
Confusion, as well as disorientation, can be another symptom of balance issues. This is especially true if your elderly family member has other health issues affecting cognitive function. If her brain isn’t able to determine where her body is in relation to other objects, she may find it difficult to move safely.
Falling or Almost Falling
Finally, if your elderly family member has either fallen or had a near miss with a fall, she may have some serious concerns about her balance. Addressing those concerns with her doctor as soon as possible can help her to avoid serious injury.
Finding solutions for your senior when she’s experiencing balance issues is crucial. In-hour home care aides can help your elderly family member to feel safer and to put her doctor’s care plan into daily practice.