Asthma is a lot more common than most people realize and people can develop asthma at any time. If your senior has had any trouble breathing, she may want to get checked for asthma just to rule it out. Once you have a diagnosis for her, there are a few things that you, your senior, and her home care assistance aides really need to do in order to help her to live her best life, even with asthma.
Talk to Her Doctor about What Asthma Is Like for Your Senior
Home Care Assistance Easton PA – How You Can Help a Senior with Asthma Live a Better LifeIf your elderly family member doesn’t have an official diagnosis of asthma, but she suspects that she has it, talk with her doctor right away. Untreated asthma can be a lot more dangerous than you might realize, and there may be some additional factors that need to be addressed for your senior. Once you know what she’s up against, you can follow her care plan and make sure that she’s getting what she needs to prevent asthma attacks.
Consider Working with an Asthma Specialist
Some people may need even more help with getting their asthma under control. Your senior might want to consider working with an asthma specialist to keep her condition in check. This can be a good way to educate both you and your senior about how asthma affects her life, too. The more information you both have, the better you can plan for keeping your senior healthy.
Learn Your Senior’s Triggers and Risk Factors
Understanding your elderly family member’s asthma triggers is essential. Some people are affected by fragrances, others by dust or pet dander. Home care assistance can help your elderly family member to stay on top of tasks like dusting and vacuuming, which can lower her risk of having an asthma attack due to uncontrolled triggers. Keeping a journal of how she’s feeling can help your senior to notice patterns.
Bring in Home Care Assistance Providers to Track What Is Helping and What Isn’t
Home care assistance can help your elderly family member in other ways, too. Keeping track of your senior’s inhalers and other medications can be crucial, and elder care providers can help your senior to stay on top of those details. Your senior may need reminders to take her medications so that she is able to avoid attacks. They can also make life easier for your senior in general, which can help her to reduce her stress and her anxiety around asthma attacks.
Overall, it is so important to keep track of what is helping your elderly family member and what is not working. This is information that you will need to share with your senior’s doctor so that her care plan can get adjusted as necessary. When things are working well for her, that’s also important to know so that you have a plan for what has been helpful.
Asthma can be so draining for your elderly family member. Keeping tabs on how your senior is feeling and whether she’s developing new triggers can help her to avoid a big asthma attack.
If you or a loved one need Home Care Assistance Services in Easton PA or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Extended Family Care of Allentown. Call today at (610) 200-6097.
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