National Trails Day
Caregiver in Nazareth PA: June 4 is National Trails Day. This is the perfect opportunity for you to add some fun and excitement into your caregiver journey with your aging parent and encourage your loved one to get active and healthy.
What Happens When You are No Longer a Caregiver?
Caregiver in Northampton PA: Making the decision to be a family caregiver is not one that you should take lightly.
How to Use Positive Affirmations for Your Elderly Loved One
Elderly Care in Schnecksville PA: Affirmations are fantastic way to keep goals in mind and to help your loved one achieve them.
Recipe for Breakfast Corn Dogs
Senior Care in Emmaus PA: Changing things up in your routine and occasionally doing something completely different is a great way to keep your senior care journey with your aging loved one interesting and enjoyable for both of you.
Should Your Parents Have a Male or Female Home Care Provider?
Home Care Easton PA: If you were elderly and had needs that required you enter into a home care relationship, would you want for your care provider to be a man or a woman? Is this even something that you would have considered when it came to planning your care or to making your wishes regarding your care known? If you are like many people, the answer is likely no.
Elderly Care Tips: Wintertime Sunscreen Reminder
Elderly Care in Catasauqua PA You may be a long time from planning an elderly care day trip to the beach, but that does not mean that you should be forgetting about one of your summertime staples, your sunscreen. Though most people associate using sunscreen with the hottest months of the year and spending long […]
Osteoporosis – What Seniors Need to Know
Senior Care in Schnecksville PA Osteoporosis is a common bone disease among aging adults, especially senior women. Osteoporosis causes bones to weaken which increases a senior’s risk of broken bones and fractures. Weakened bones can also lead to chronic pain and disability, so it is important that seniors with osteoporosis seek proper treatment. Even though […]
Elderly Care Safety: Handling Severe Winter Storms
Elderly Care in Allentown PA Snow angels, snowmen, sparkling blankets of white on Christmas morning, and even the occasional playful snowball fight are all things that people look forward to when it comes to winter weather. When that weather becomes severe, however, and people are forced to face dramatic storms, power outages, and dangerously cold […]
The Benefits of Tea for Older Adults
Senior Care in Nazareth PA We have all heard how important drinking plenty of water is for people of all age. Well, tea has also been shown to have a number of health benefits for older adults because it is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that will keep the body healthy and free from illnesses. […]
Preparing for Emergencies in Your Distance Elderly Care Plan
Elderly Care in Northampton PA The thought of an aging adult experiencing a personal emergency is upsetting and frightening for any family caregiver. If you are living at a distance from your parents, however, this thought can be even more overwhelming. You love your parents and you want to feel confident that they are safe, […]