Senior Care News

Three Amazing Benefits Home Health Care Offers Aging Seniors Today

Home Health Care Ephrata PA-There are so many benefits to home health care, which is why it is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. Here are some of those benefits.

Home health care is such a vital component for the elderly and others. Most Americans simply don’t fully understand or appreciate what home health care is or what it can provide for themselves in the future or perhaps for an aging loved ones.

Home Health Care Ephrata PA – Three Amazing Benefits Home Health Care Offers Aging Seniors Today

There are so many benefits to home health care, which is why it is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. In fact, in-home care support services is the number one job creator. Now, in the wake of a global pandemic and the shutdowns that have crippled a nation, telehealth services are on the rise.

That means in-person doctor visits are declining. While that may seem temporary, there’s every indication more and more medical professionals are going to rely on telehealth for general visits and questions.

That means more Americans as they get older will likely face the prospect of being home and not going to the hospital or to a doctor’s office for follow-up appointments. This is where home health care support becomes critical.

There are numerous benefits home health care offers, including the following three we have listed here.

Benefit #1: Seniors get to stay home.

Instead of relying on nursing home care or other types of facilities, including hospitals for lengthy stays, aging seniors with the support of in-home health care providers, a.k.a. visiting nurses, have the opportunity to remain home.

This is where people prefer to spend their days. Nobody really wants to be in a nursing home for weeks or months at a time. They would rather be home surrounded by familiar furnishings and feeling safe.

Home health care makes that possible.

Benefit #2: Direct medical support.

Because visiting nurses are certified and fully licensed (of course, this depends on the type of nurse one chooses), they can provide a great deal of medical services.

This can include administering medications, checking vital stats and reporting that information back to the patient’s doctor, changing wound dressings, and even providing physical therapy (ie. physical therapists).

Benefit #3: It boosts confidence.

When aging seniors are dealing with numerous health issues, limited mobility, and even feelings of isolation and loneliness, it can negatively impact confidence. With the support of experienced and compassionate home health care aides, elderly men and women gain confidence.

That’s because they know somebody is there to support them. They have a better handle on their health. They also have somebody they can turn to when they have questions about instructions their doctor gave them, medications they have to take, or symptoms they might be experiencing.

All of these benefits are incredibly valuable for people as they age.

If you or a loved one are considering Home Health Care Services near Ephrata PA, contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Lancaster. Call today at (717) 205-2174.

Stephen Sternbach

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