Senior Care News

Common Tips for Improving Memory in the Elderly

Homecare Lititz PA-Here are some of the common tips for improving memory in the elderly. If you are concerned about your elderly loved one’s memory, be sure that you and their homecare providers are encouraging them to do these things.

As your loved one gets older, they are more likely to have issues with their memory. They may not be as sharp or as quick to recall things as they used to be. They might not adapt as quickly to new information either. There are numerous issues that your elderly loved one could have with their memory as they get even older. However, there are some common tips for improving memory in the elderly.

Homecare Lititz PA – Common Tips for Improving Memory in the Elderly

Diet and Nutrition

Have you ever heard of the saying – you are what you eat? If so, this is very true. The foods that your elderly loved one eats do affect their body and their memory. If your elderly loved one eats a lot of processed foods, this can cause them to have more memory issues. However, there are foods that are known to maintain and boost memory. Some of these foods include fish, coconut oil, vegetables, and berries. If you or homecare providers can visit your elderly loved one and encourage them to eat better, that would be great.


If you want to help your elderly loved one maintain or even improve their memory, exercising can help. You should encourage your elderly loved one to exercise daily. They can have 1 rest day per week. This doesn’t mean they need a gym membership or anything like that. If you or one of their homecare aides goes for a short walk with them 5 days a week, that would be helpful. They might also want to lift light weights or do yoga. Exercising improves the blood flow to your elderly loved one’s brain. This is what helps to improve their memory.

Getting Good Sleep

Research shows that the elderly need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. If your elderly loved one gets this much quality sleep, it could help to maintain or even improve their memory. However, if your elderly loved one even has one night where they are sleep deprived, it could cause a significant negative impact on their memory.

Reading Books and Magazines

If you or homecare providers that your loved one has can encourage them to read books and magazines often, it could help to improve their memory. Reading stimulates the brain. It keeps the brain active. If your elderly loved one reads a bit every day, it can help to prevent cognitive decline and keep their memory active, as well.

These are some of the common tips for improving memory in the elderly. If you are concerned about your elderly loved one’s memory, be sure that you and their homecare providers are encouraging them to do these things.


If you or a loved one are considering Homecare Services near Lititz PA, contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Lancaster. Call today at (717) 205-2174.

Stephen Sternbach

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