Senior Care News

Things Families Need to Know About Dying

Dying is a complicated part of life. Hospice supportive care offers tools and support that can help families to manage as they sort through everything involved in losing a family member.

Facing the end of life is a massive and difficult experience, both for the person passing away as well as for the family members and friends of that individual. Understanding as much as possible about what is happening can be a huge help as everyone processes the impending loss. Hospice supportive care services are an invaluable resource in both learning more about what dying is all about and in managing the practical aspects of caring for someone who is dying.

Dying Is a Process, Not an End Result

Hospice Supportive Care Ephrata PA - Things Families Need to Know About Dying
Hospice Supportive Care Ephrata PA – Things Families Need to Know About Dying

A common misconception is that dying isn’t a result, but rather a process. Every person’s experience with dying is unique, but there are stages in the process of dying that are universal. Changes in appetite, fatigue, and difficulty staying awake are just a few of the common symptoms people are likely to experience while passing away. Knowing more about what to expect helps families to anticipate needs more easily.

Honest and Open Communication Is Essential

Talking about death and dying is not always the easiest thing to do, especially with family members and close friends. Hospice supportive care providers can help families find the tools they need to talk about important topics like preferences and wishes. This can make it easier for families to do as much as possible to meet their family members’ wishes about their final moments.

Advance Care Planning Is Critical for Families

If people are embracing hospice supportive care options early enough, advance care planning is still a possibility. Planning end-of-life medical treatments and options helps to ensure that everyone involved knows what type of care the person wants. The types of decisions made with advanced care planning involve choices like life-sustaining measures, organ donation, and resuscitation.

Hospice Supportive Care Offers Medical and Emotional Support

Hospice offers a range of different types of services that are there to support the needs of someone who is dying. Those services are also there to help family members of the person who is dying. The goal of hospice is to enhance the quality of life for people who are near death. They do this by helping to manage symptoms, including pain, and by offering emotional and spiritual support.

Grief and Bereavement Are Complicated

There are other tools that hospice can help families find as well, related to grief and bereavement. There are levels of grief, including the anticipatory grief that people experience before someone passes away. After someone passes away, their family members and friends often need additional support while dealing with the grieving process. Hospice supportive care can help them to find support groups and other tools to cope with that loss.

Navigating the end of life is one of the most difficult situations that people face. Hospice supportive care can be a vital piece of the solution, helping families find the compassionate and comprehensive care they need during this difficult time. Embracing what hospice can offer sooner rather than later, families have a better chance to take advantage of all that hospice can do.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Hospice Supportive Care Services in Ephrata PA please contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care Lancaster today. Call (717) 391-6363

Extended Family Care Lancaster is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Lancaster, Pennsylvania including Columbia, Elizabethtown, Ephrata, Hershey, Lebanon, Lititz, Manheim, New Holland, and Paradise.

Stephen Sternbach

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