April is Move More Month and now is a fantastic time for seniors to try and squeeze in more activity during the day. Making movement fun and challenging can motivate seniors to move more, and the more seniors move the healthier they will be. Home care services are one way to get seniors moving. With daily visits from a home care provider, seniors are more likely to go for a walk, help with housework, and get up on their feet rather than sit and watch TV all day.
A care provider can also encourage seniors to do things like these 10 things to move more throughout the day:
Set A Step Goal
Seniors can make movement fun by giving themselves a daily step goal to meet. Most experts recommend seniors get 8,000 steps per day, but seniors can start with a smaller number. The most important thing is moving, and seniors will move more to try and get in those steps.
Take Short Walks
Seniors can break up long periods of sitting or sedentary activities with short walks throughout the day. Seniors can try walking around the house during commercials, walking around the block between their favorite shows, or even just going out to the yard and coming back in a couple of times each hour.
Use a Pedometer or Fitness Tracker
Wearing a pedometer or fitness tracker is a great way to keep seniors motivated to move because it tracks their steps and allows them to challenge other people to see who can move more during the day. Most fitness trackers also track things like heart rate which can be interesting for seniors to see.
Take A Walk With A Neighbor
Seniors can invite a neighbor to walk around the block and they can chat as they walk instead of standing or sitting and talking to catch up on the happenings in the neighborhood.
Do Exercises During Commercials
Movement is more than just working, and all movement is good movement. Seniors can move more just sitting in their chairs by moving their arms and legs, stretching, or doing weight-bearing exercises while they are watching commercials.
Take the Stairs
Seniors can get a good workout at home just by going upstairs a couple of times during the day. Seniors who have a one-level home can go outside, walk around the yard, and come back in to increase their movement in an easy way that won’t require a lot of time.
Walk To Do Errands
Seniors who are up to it can try walking to the post office, or the corner store, or running errands when the weather is nice. If your senior parent has good balance and can ride a bike they can also take short bike rides to get more activity throughout the day.
Join a Walking Group or Class
Joining a walking group or class specifically designed for seniors can provide additional motivation and support for seniors who want to move more. These groups often offer structured walking programs, led by fitness instructors or volunteers, that cater to different fitness levels.
Practice Balance Exercises
When seniors practice balance exercises throughout the day to improve stability and reduce the risk of falls while walking they are also getting extra movement. Simple exercises like standing on one leg or walking heel-to-toe can help enhance balance and coordination.
Stay Consistent
Once seniors get in the habit of being more active and moving more during the day they will find it easier to keep moving. Movement gets easier the more you move, so when your senior parent consistently makes an effort to be active then activity will get easier for them.
If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Lebanon PA please contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care Lancaster today. Call (717) 391-6363
Extended Family Care Lancaster is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Lancaster, Pennsylvania including Columbia, Elizabethtown, Ephrata, Hershey, Lebanon, Lititz, Manheim, New Holland, and Paradise.
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