Senior Care News

What To Do After Your Loved One Has Surgery

As soon as the surgery is booked there are things you can look into to help your loved one recover. There are things hospital to home transition care team can help with.

Unfortunately, the chances are high that a seniors will need surgery at some point in their lives. Luckily, modern medicine and advancements in the medical community have improved the survival rates of most surgeries. Even though your loved one needs surgery there is no reason to panic, in fact, as soon as the surgery is booked there are things you can look into to help your loved one recover. There are things that you or hospital to home transition care team can help with.

Here are some things your loved one needs to do after they get surgery.

Seniors Need Rest

Hospital to Home Transition New Holland PA - What To Do After Your Loved One Has Surgery
Hospital to Home Transition New Holland PA – What To Do After Your Loved One Has Surgery

Even though a senior usually gets put to sleep when they have surgery they still need rest. A body that undergoes surgery will need time to heal. Their bodies will be working extra hard to heal from surgery. Your loved one may feel like they need to continue running their house and this can put extra stress on them mentally and physically. Your loved one should have help from home care and family members so they can focus on resting and recovering. Your loved one should set up help before they know they have surgery. If a senior meets a home care associate before surgery they will have time to develop a relationship and home care will understand what’s needed from them to make the recovery successful for your loved one. This is going to be an important step especially if your senior loved one is going to need a lot of rest after surgery.

They May Need to Move Around

After surgery, your loved one will need to move around. It’s important to get their blood circulating after surgery because it will help them heal in the long run and it will prevent blood clots from happening. Unfortunately, this is not always easy for a senior, especially after surgery. Home care can help remind them to move around every day and also be a second set of hands to help stabilize them or even just watch them as they move around. This is going to be an important step to healing but it is often one of the hardest things to do. Hospital to home transition care can help keep your loved one safe by ensuring that nothing is going to harm them. This means less clutter and fewer obstacles to work around while they move which will keep them safe. Cleaning up the house and rearranging furniture is one of the best things to do before a senior has surgery.

Nutrition Needs to be a Focus

Another thing to focus on after surgery is what a senior should be eating. Certain things may upset their stomachs or they may need to adhere to a certain diet like liquid or mashed foods. Before a senior gets surgery a doctor will go over these details. This means that home care can help your loved one stock up on foods they should be eating. Getting the right nutrients will help your loved one recover after surgery and preparing meals is something that another thing that hospital to home transition care can help with.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Hospital to Home Transition Services in New Holland PA please contact the caring staff at Extended Family Care Lancaster today. Call (717) 391-6363

Extended Family Care Lancaster is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Lancaster, Pennsylvania including Columbia, Elizabethtown, Ephrata, Hershey, Lebanon, Lititz, Manheim, New Holland, and Paradise.

Stephen Sternbach

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