Senior Care News

Incredible Nurses Who are Celebrating 20 YEARS

A huge shout-out to two incredible nurses who are celebrating 20 YEARS with Star Multi Care, Charmain Caesar and Candice Seitz, who have been making a difference in the lives of our patients.

A huge shout-out to two incredible nurses who are celebrating 20 YEARS with Star Multi Care!

Charmain Caesar and Candice Seitz have been making a difference in the lives of our patients providing exceptional care as field nurses since 2004! Their commitment and passion for what they do is truly inspiring. Their compassion and expertise have touched countless individuals and families.

Medical Conditions Lancaster City PA - Incredible Nurses Who are Celebrating 20 YEARS
Medical Conditions Lancaster City PA – Incredible Nurses Who are Celebrating 20 YEARS

Join us in thanking them for their incredible service! #NurseAppreciation #20YearAnniversary #StarMultiCare #DedicatedNurses

If you or an aging loved one are considering Medical Conditions Services in Lancaster City PA, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the caring staff at Extended Family Care Lancaster today. Call (717) 391-6363

Extended Family Care Lancaster is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Lancaster, Pennsylvania including Columbia, Elizabethtown, Ephrata, Hershey, Lancaster City, Lebanon, Lititz, Manheim, New Holland, and Paradise.

Stephen Sternbach

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