Common Eating Disorders in the Elderly


Caregiver in Pennsylvania: Elderly people are just as likely to develop eating disorders as other age groups, even if they haven’t experienced it before.

Do You Know the Symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia?


Elder Care in Pennsylvania: Lewy body dementia (also knowns as dementia with Lewy bodies) is the third leading cause of dementia in the United States, and is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s due to the similarities in their presentation.

Which Activities of Daily Living Are the First to Go?


Senior Care in Pennsylvania: As your elderly loved one ages, her activities of daily living are likely to undergo some changes. The more quickly you can spot these changes, the more quickly you can get her the help that she needs.

Yes, a Disabled Adult Can Benefit from Various Home Care Options


Home Care in Pennsylvania: In the realm of home care support services, most of the conversations involve elderly individuals. As people get older, they will face increasing challenges in life. Some of those challenges can be physical, medical, or emotional.

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