Senior Care News

Acknowledging Your Physical Limitations to Caring for Your Senior

Home Care in Pennsylvania: As a family caregiver you always want to give your aging parent the level of care that they deserve to ensure that they remain safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy as they age in place.

Home Care in Pennsylvania

As a family caregiver you always want to give your aging parent the level of care that they deserve to ensure that they remain safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy as they age in place. While youHome-Care-in-Pennsylvania are fulfilling these needs, however, you might find that you are not able to give them the type of care that they really need due to your own limitations. Caring for a senior, particularly one who is dealing with a variety of challenges and needs that keep them from being able to handle their own personal care tasks on a daily basis, can be extremely strenuous physically. By acknowledging any physical limitations that you have as early in your care journey as possible you can help to ensure that they get the proper care and reduce the risk that either of you will experience accidents or injuries during the course of their care.


Some considerations to keep in mind when evaluating your physical limitations to caring for your senior include:

  • Physical strength needed to support your parent’s weight while helping them with movements such as transferring from a chair to standing, in and out of bed, in and out of the car, or with bathing
  • Balance necessary to keep yourself on your feet while also helping your elderly loved one with mobility needs, particularly in challenging circumstances such as on slippery surfaces
  • Consistent energy necessary to keep you going while handling all of your elderly loved one’s needs as well as the needs of your children, your household, your partner, your career, and yourself
  • Level of physical health that ensures you will be able to care for your elderly parent consistently and that you do not have infections or continuous illnesses that could negatively impact your senior’s health
  • Level of mobility that enables you to move around confidently, safely, and comfortably to handle all of their care needs properly


Starting home care for your elderly loved one can be one of the most compassionate, nurturing, and meaning decisions that you can make throughout your caregiver journey with your elderly parent. This in-home senior care services provider can be with your elderly loved one on a customized schedule that is right for their individual needs, challenges, and limitations, as well as their personality, lifestyle, and goals. They can also take into consideration the amount of care that you give them, meaning that you can always feel confident that they are getting everything that they need to stay happy, healthy, comfortable, and safe even when you are unable to be with them. The highly personalized care, assistance, and support of a home care provider can also be invaluable if there are specific tasks or care needs that are too challenging for you physically. An in-home senior care services provider can provide your loved one with the physical assistance and support that they need so that their needs are fulfilled effectively and efficiently. This ensures that they get the care that they deserve and that both of you remain safe and secure.


If you are considering hiring home care in Pennsylvania, call the caring staff at Extended Family Care of PA at (888) 660-6478.


Stephen Sternbach

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