Senior Care News

AARP Is Looking For Holiday Volunteers

AARP Is Looking For Holiday Volunteers

By Barbara Bush/Pittsburgh Senior News

As we all get a little older, I find that the years fly by! Here it is December and once again, AARP is partnering with St. Barnabas’ Presents for Patients. However, in order for it to be successful, we need volunteers.

If you are wondering what the duties of an AARP holiday volunteer require, it is simply to bring a little cheer to the everyday lives of older adults who reside in local facilities. The most important attribute you can bring is your smile and willingness to say hello while visiting with the residents.

Basically, there are several areas where we need additional help.  One task you may be asked to perform is to push a cart with donated articles to be placed in each resident’s room. Volunteers may also be needed to serve punch and cookies to residents at the holiday party or to possibly assist Santa in handing out small token gifts to party attendees.

The time commitment is minimal and varies by location.  Only you can determine how much time you can offer.  Ideally, we are asking each volunteer to be available for one (1) or two (2) hours on any of the following dates at the location specified:

·.  Homemade cookies are also welcome! Contact JoAnn Zajackowski at (412) 486-1724.

·. Contact Charles White at (412) 243-1794.

·(412) 276-2639.

·       Tuesday, December 15, 1:30 to 3 p.m.: Kane Glen Hazel. Contact Connie Kovka at (412) 833-5627.

·       Wednesday, December 16, 1:30 to 3 p.m.: Kane Scott Township. Contact Rose Sparvero at (412) 531-5690.

·       Thursday, December 17, 1:30 to 3 p.m.: Kane McKeesport. Contact Bill Campbell at (412) 655-2843.

·       Friday, December 18, 1:30 to 3 p.m.: Golden Living, Canonsburg, Washington County. Contact Ann Marie DeJames at (412) 257-1611.

·       Friday, December 18: Golden Living, Altoona, Blair County. Delivery of gifts only. Contact Bill Campbell at (814) 946-0471.

·       Monday, December 21: Concordia (formerly Pristine Pines), Brown Road, Wexford. Contact Clarence Wolff at (724) 935-5113.

AARP is a non-profit membership organization for Americans over age 50.  They are “dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all as we age”.  AARP is actively involved in the communities in which they serve and does so with the use of special volunteers like you.  The reward you receive for your time is the pure joy of sharing and giving back to the community.  Help us make the holidays a special time for everyone.

A special thank you for the generosity of those of you who donated the gifts and to those volunteers responsible for wrapping these treasures prior to this anticipated venture.

For other volunteer opportunities, contact AARP of Pennsylvania at or (866) 389-5654.


If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care services in South Hills, PA, please call and talk to the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Pittsburgh at (412) 693-6009. We will answer all of your questions.

Stephen Sternbach

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