Wearing a hearing aid can make a huge difference for a senior who is living with hearing loss. These assistive devices can boost your parent’s confidence and self-esteem, increase their functioning, and support more involvement and quality of life throughout their later years.
For many elderly adults, however, getting accustomed to their new hearing aid can be a challenge. This can cause your parent to stop using their hearing aid, taking away the possible benefits. Helping them to get accustomed to their hearing aid can help your senior to settle into this new chapter and make the most of the benefits the device can offer.
Homecare North Hills PA – Tips for Helping a Senior Get Accustomed to a Hearing AidUse these tips to help your senior get accustomed to a hearing aid:
• Accept that they will feel funny at first. Let your parent know that their hearing aids may feel strange when they first start to wear them. Just hearing this affirmation can ease your parent’s anxiety and make it easier for them to accept this strange feeling and work toward getting through it.
• Start small. Because of the strange feeling and the difference that more effective hearing can make, encourage your parent to only wear their hearing aid for a few hours at a time for the first few days, and then gradually build their way up to wearing them all day.
• Start quiet. When your parent first wears their hearing aid, encourage them to do it in a quiet space. This will allow them to gradually reintroduce faint sounds without them becoming overwhelming.
• Go for adjustments as needed. Encourage your parent to visit their doctor for a follow-up to discuss how they are doing with their assistive device. Discourage them from changing the volume too much or avoiding wearing their devices. Instead, they should make note of any issues they are having and discuss them with their doctor for adjustments.
Starting senior homecare for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions that you can make for them throughout the course of your caregiver journey. A senior homecare services provider can be with your aging parent on a fully customized schedule to ensure that your loved one gets everything that they need to stay healthy, safe, comfortable, and happy as they age in place. Through a highly personalized set of services this homecare provider can help your parent to meet their individual needs, challenges, and limitations in the way that is right for them.
These can include providing safe and reliable transportation, helping with taking care of the home, providing assistance with personal care tasks, helping with meal preparation and eating, and more. As a family caregiver this can give you tremendous peace of mind knowing that both when you are with your parent and when you are not, your senior is in the best hands.
Sources: http://www.disability-benefits-help.org/blog/hearing-aid-awareness-week
If you or an aging loved one are considering Homecare Services in North Hills PA, please call and talk to the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Pittsburgh at (412) 693-6009. We will answer all of your questions.
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