Senior Care News

Do You Have a Medical Information Folder for Your Senior?

Senior Care McKees Rocks PA-If you've been putting off making any sort of medical information binder or folder for your elderly family member, you might want to reconsider. Having this information available in an emergency can help you to feel calmer and deal with what's going on, but it also makes life easier for the medical personnel helping your senior.

If you’ve been putting off making any sort of medical information binder or folder for your elderly family member, you might want to reconsider. Having this information available in an emergency can help you to feel calmer and deal with what’s going on, but it also makes life easier for the medical personnel helping your senior.

Senior Care McKees Rocks PA – Do You Have a Medical Information Folder for Your Senior?

Copies of Medical Records

You might not be able to carry every piece of medical information for your elderly family member, but possibly carrying copies of the most recent records could be helpful. If you’ve got time or family members who volunteer to handle it, you might want to consider scanning the information into a digital location you can access on the go. That way you’ve always got what you need right there at hand.

Notes about Current Health Issues

As your senior’s caregiver, you’re in the position to notice quite a bit about her overall health and well-being. If you’re not already keeping a journal or tracking notebook, you might want to consider setting one up. Your notes could help her doctors and other specialists to spot patterns and symptoms that otherwise might have gotten overlooked.

Current List of All Medications and Supplements

If your senior is taking more than a couple of medications, it’s vital to know the name and dosage of that medication in an emergency. While medical professionals can get this information on their own, it’s much faster if you’ve got an updated list right there with you. Don’t forget to include any supplements or non-prescription medication that your elderly family member takes regularly since that can be crucial for medical professionals to know.

Contact Information for All Medical Providers

Just because your elderly family member always goes to her primary care physician, that doesn’t mean she’ll be able to see that doctor in an emergency situation. During an emergency, the medical professionals treating your senior may need to know how to get in touch with her regular doctor fast. If you’ve got that information handy, it saves them a few steps that translate to saving valuable time.

Having all of this information in one place can help you to stay calm and know what you need to know in a crisis. It’s not too late to put something like this together if you don’t already have it, though. Take your time and build up this information at your own pace and then keep up with it.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Care Services in McKees Rocks PA, please call and talk to the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Pittsburgh at (412) 693-6009. We will answer all of your questions.
Stephen Sternbach

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