Senior Care News

What Seniors Need After A Hospital Stay

After a hospital stay, seniors need to have post-hospital care services that will help them recover. Post-hospital care at home can help seniors by providing things explained here.

Seniors who have had to stay in the hospital after surgery, a fall, or a medical event like a heart attack or a stroke are usually very happy to finish their recovery at home. And there is some evidence that seniors can recover more quickly when they are recovering at home. But after a hospital stay, seniors need to have post-hospital care services that will help them recover.

Post-hospital care at home can help seniors by providing things like:

Around The Clock Care

Post-Hospital Care North Hills PA – What Seniors Need After A Hospital Stay

At first, when seniors come home after a hospital stay they shouldn’t be alone. Care providers can be there to take care of your senior parent when you can’t be. If you need to go to work, or if you need to be taking care of your kids or family at night professional post-hospital care will make sure that your senior loved one isn’t left alone. Seniors may need help with things like getting to the bathroom, hygiene activities, and other tasks while they recover which require someone to be with them around the clock.


Seniors who are recovering from a hospital stay often can’t do any kind of cooking or shopping or clean up after a meal. A care provider that is there to provide post-hospital care can shop for groceries and snacks, prepare meals, and clean up after meals including doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Good nutrition is an integral part of recovery for seniors so having a care provider in the home to prepare meals and help your senior parent eat is an important part of helping them get better.

Help With Medications

Managing medications after a hospital stay can be confusing for seniors. And it can be difficult for seniors to go out and get medications that they might need. A home care provider can manage your senior loved one’s medications to make sure that they are taking medications at the right time, taking them in the correct way, and not having any side effects from them. If your senior parent does have a bad side effect or if some of their medications interact badly a care provider will be able to call the doctor for your senior parent and get them some help. And they can pick up medications from the pharmacy or call them in if necessary.

Household Maintenance

While your senior parent gets better after their stay in the hospital the household chores still need to get done. In order to keep the house sanitary and safe a home care provider can help with household maintenance tasks like cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, dusting, vacuuming, doing the dishes, sweeping, doing the laundry, and making sure that your senior loved one has a safe and comfortable place where they can recover. By taking care of household chores a home care aide is helping your senior loved one recover. And being in a clean and comfortable home will make your senior loved one more positive and help them recover more easily at home.

If you or a loved one are considering Post-Hospital Care Services in North Hills PA, please call and talk to the caring staff at Extended Family Care of Pittsburgh at (412) 693-6009. We will answer all of your questions.

Stephen Sternbach

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